Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm a fuck up

I can't even restrict right. Not even 1000 a day. Nope. Gotta eat everything in sight.
Dafaq is up with me right now? ARGH. I want to scream at the top of my lungs right now.
In other news, my mom gave me some Hershey's bubbles chocolate. 200 for the whole bar, so half it up for 100 cal snack. Baby steps here, baby steps. I'm so sick of being stuck in binge mode. I've been here for MONTHS.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Binges galore!

I've been binging for a long time. I think all the way back to February. I've gained 15 pounds since then. Ugh. I'm back to my fucking starting weight for teh second time. This is such bullshit. I'm starting the Countdown diet today. Going from 800 to 0 in eight days obviously.
My total so far is 480 and it's 1pm here. Doing good now, going to sleep early tonight.
Maybe yoga and tea will help.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sorry I haven't posted in a while!

My internet was shut off, and the place I was using for internet access (library XD) blocked blogspot! But I have a tumblr, so if anyone wants to follow me on there, my url is :
That's my little baby, but I also have a page dedicated to vegetarianism, which is:
Not much has happened since I posted last (well, a lot did)
I went through a stint of depression where I nearly killed myself and attempted recovery on my own (didn't happen, just started binging like crazy, but I'm coming off of that like I always do eventually).
Anyway, I'll be posting more as of now because our internet's back up. :)